
Application Form

Dr Nedungadi’s Ayurvedic Centre
Chennai,Tamil Nadu India – www.drnac.in

EMAIL : ayurkingdr@gmail.com

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  1. Absolutely no drugs are to be taken or distributed on or off the premises of the Ashram. Any knowledge of anyone involved in the use, possession or distribution of drugs must be reported to the Ashram Director immediately. Drug abuse in general is a detriment to one’s psychic body and consequently is forbidden for anyone participating in the yogic disciplines.
  2.  Absolutely no alcohol, tobacco, meat, fish, or eggs are allowed on the Ashram premises.
  3. The Ashram is not a social club or resort. The student’s behavior and attitude, both in private and public should respect that of Indian culture and should act to enhance the spiritual atmosphere of the Ashram. Celibacy should be kept whilst staying at the Ashram. Physical displays of affection are not condoned, especially between males and females. Strict observance of the Ashram Dress Code and Dharma should be maintained at all times. Public nudity is forbidden.
  4.  Attendance and full participation in the daily scheduled classes for the entire course, and satsangs daily, are mandatory. If for any reason you must be absent from any part of the daily schedule, a written notice must be submitted to the teacher. Too many absences from any particular class may result in dismissal of the student from the entire course. Karma Yoga is an integral part of the course. It is a very practical approach for the student to help eliminate egoistic and selfish tendencies. At least 1 hour of Karma Yoga is required of each student every day.
  5. Any absences from the Ashram, particularly overnight excursions for course participants, must be cleared by the Director, Reception and course instructor before the student leaves the Ashram.
  6. Temple Rules: The atmosphere in the temple areas should be kept especially pure. At least one’s hands, feet and face should be washed and clean before entering the area. There should not be unnecessary talk or chatter in the temple. Ladies who are menstruating should not visit the temple. The temple area is to be regarded as a place of worship and meditation.
  7. The playing of heavy music, rock music, etc. is strictly forbidden in the Ashram. Any music played should be of Sattvic nature and not disturb others (headphones are required). Noise or loud talking after 10:00pm is not permitted.
  8. No incense or camp fires can be burned anywhere outside of the temple. It is strictly forbidden.
  9. Any deposit submitted with the application is an administration fee and is not refundable. Course donations must be paid in full two weeks prior to the initiation of the course. If the participant does not remit the full course donation two weeks before the course begins, the registration will be cancelled automatically. If due to exceptional circumstances you are unable to complete the course, with the Ashram Director’s permission a credit note may be issued, for the course fee, less the deposit.

As a Participant of the AYURVEDIC MASSAGE COURSE, I do hereby agree to participate in all activities. I assume full responsibility for my personal property and myself and will endeavor to make a genuine effort towards my own self-improvement according to the teachings of AYURVEDA & YOGA. I understand that if I should break any of the rules I may be asked to leave. No refunds will be granted in this circumstance.