
ESYA Program

ESYA program is based on Indian Philosophy. It is spiritual but not religious. The combination of Yoga (The Way Of Life) and Ayurveda (The Science Of Life) makes the person achieve the 3 Ps- Protect, Preserve, and Prolong with which one could achieve the perfect harmony in Microcosm (individual) and Macrocosm (corporate body)



  • Importance of Meditation & its practical aspects
  • Importance of Japa mantra & group singing
  • Co-ordination of body & mind
  • Collective consciousness in life.


  • What is health
  • Creation of Universe
  • Trigunas & Tridoshas
  • Imbalance of Tridoshas
  • It’s psychological & physiological impacts on our system
  • Imbalance of VPK & balancing system
  • Daily Regimens
  • Mind- Food Relationships
  • Detoxification, Destressing, and biological reversing of ageing


  • Fostering creativity & innovation at work
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Power of the mind
  • Ideal leadership & continuous growth benefits
  • Fewer efforts- more results
  • Personality Enhancement
  • Through Games (Plato’s concept of learning while you are playing)
  • Through Adventure (Nature has an existing way of allowing us to challenge ourselves)
  • Through awareness of the physical self
  • Through Music
  • Through Theatre.

ESYA is a certified Ayurveda course that will let the learners explore into the lessons of Mental Potential, Body Health, and Productivity.